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Texas Western Model Railroad Club

Train Show Hotline


Meets weekly on Thursday and Saturday evenings from 7:30PM to 10:30PM

6808 Forest Hill Drive
Forest Hill, TX 76140

The club has a 25 year lease of the old Community Center building with the City of Forest Hill, including an option to purchase at any time. The actual building is almost 4,700 square feet, is ADA compliant, with 2,500 square foot being used for a three level layout featuring Tower 55 as the centerpiece. We will still feature the beautiful T&P passenger station and downtown area, but are adding tracks for prototypical N-S-E-W operations for the AT&SF, FW&D, SP, MoP, KATY, Frisco, and of course the T&P. The additional square footage of the building houses a large meeting room, work area, separate men’s and women’s restrooms, an ADA compliant restroom, fully appointed kitchen, and an area for development of a museum. The building also has an additional 800 square foot covered patio on the back for a work or picnic area and plenty of marked hard surface well-lit parking.

We have completed the initial track plan and are now starting construction of the benchwork which will be constructed with steel this time. We are using steel studs to construct the center backdrop wall and the layout decks will be cantilevered to eliminate clutter and give a more open feel. Lighting will be contained in an overhead valance and use LED throughout for efficiency and consistent lighting.

We are very excited about this opportunity we have been given to create a truly special layout for our members, the modeling community, and general public. We have excellent support from the City and they are also excited about making the new Texas Western Model Railroad Club a destination for visitors to their city.

HO and HOn3
2500 square feet
Darrell Cowles
Phone Number
(682) 587-2092